The New World

Space is an integral part of human nature. Even thousands of years ago, our ancestors gazed into the heavens in awe. Some were dreamers and some were explorers. Over time, we learned the patterns of the sky. We learned the phases of the moon, cycle of the seasons, and the time in a year. This of course paved the way to where we are now. As knowledge of the sky grew, great seafaring explorers came about and navigated by the stars. Perhaps the most famous of these explorers was Christopher Columbus. He discovered the Americas and brought information about the West. Without the stars to guide him, the West may not be as it is today.

Space exploration sounds right out of science fiction right? But really the idea isn’t new, nor is it that crazy. For Columbus and every other early explorer, the idea was the same. They had no idea where or how far they were going. They traveled well beyond the realms of the naked eye. They faced the possibility of death, which many did, starvation, thirst, famine, and more. Ships could only hold a limited amount of supplies and once they ran out, they were out. Who knew how far they were from land? Help was thousands of miles away by sailboat. Space exploration is similar, maybe even safer. With our naked eyes, we can see our destinations of the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and other objects. We also have ways of communicating astronomical distances and have the tools necessary to survive. Our mathematics are advanced enough to calculate exactly how much supplies we need with room to spare. So why not? Why don’t we start the second revolution for the New World?

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